Contact Us

Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. 

975 North Street, Suite 206
Jackson, MS 39202
United States

(601) 352-1160

The role of lobbying today is much more than shaking hands and taking legislators to lunch. Lobbying today is creating strategies for clients that accomplish their goals in the ever-increasingly complex public sector.

Just as a business needs legal and accounting counsel that, in most cases, is outsourced, so too do businesses need assistance in dealing with the various governmental jurisdictions and agencies that play a large role in regulating commerce.

Hayes Dent Public Strategies is a full-service public affairs firm. Our team is comprised of experienced problem-solvers with a record of winning results. Together our team has nearly over thirty years of experience in both the federal and state governments, political campaigns, public relations, grassroots advocacy, economic development, traditional lobbying, crisis management and business development. Throughout that process, we have built a strong network of contacts throughout the state of Mississippi, in Washington, DC and around the country.

Put this experience to work for you and go…Beyond Lobbying

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Political Consultation — The Republic Group

As one of Mississippi’s top political consulting firms, Hayes Dent Public Strategies has a track record that serves as strong testimony to success. Just ask the (number) mayors, judges and local elected officials who chose Hayes Dent Public Strategies to manage their campaigns. With experience at every level of politics and in every corner of the state, our strategists know that campaigns are about one thing: winning. We get involved deeply in every campaign we work on because we know the level of commitment that it takes for victory. And we offer the same level of service to all of our campaigns: the same strategists, writers, and editors are at the table whether you are running your first local campaign or a national effort.
We have also been at the forefront of issue and public advocacy campaigns, where we have led independent organizations, legislative initiatives and ballot measures to victory.

Political Consultation Services

  • Senior Campaign Adviser Services
  • Television, Radio, Direct Mail and Print Advertising
  • Media Buying
  • Social Media, Online Strategy and and Online Advertising
  • Media Training, and Debate Prep